行动者 | 与其他参与者 | |
State (1) | |
Complement (5)
Modifier (4)
Predicate (1)
PP (5)
NP (4)
AP (1)
依据题元结构(actantial structure)中的典型术语给出下面的解释.
Lexical function | 相关术语 |
相关意义 | ||
Related meaning | Cf | |
Type of s. | [Spec] |
animal ~
bird ~
fauna ~
flora ~
fish ~
mammal ~
plant ~
That concerns a specific location | Hypo - Lieu |
desert ~
forest ~
That has a specific origin | Hypo - Provenance | |
That can be in a worse state | AbleDegrad | |
That can stop existing | Able1FinFunc0 | |
搭配 | ||
The s. does what is expected of it | VerFact0 | |
The s. continues to exist | ContFunc0 | |
The s. becomes less important | IncepPredMinus | |
The s. ceases to exist | FinFunc0 |
the ~ becomes extinct
=> NOUN | S0FinFunc0 |
disappearance of ~
Someone or something prevents the s. from functioning | Caus@NonFact0 | |
Someone of something keeps a s. in its current state | Caus@ContPredVer | |
=> NOUN | S0Caus@ContPredVer | |
The s. exists once again | De_nouveauFunc0 | |
其他 | ||
Group of s. | Mult | |
其他派生词 | ||
≈ | Cf |
Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte
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