Aparece como la entrada en el artículo:
Esta explicación utiliza el/los rol/es temático/s que aparecen en la estructura actancial.
Función léxica | Término relacionado |
That concerns a specific state | Hypo - État |
depleted ~
overexploited ~
That concerns a specific activity | Hypo - Activité |
recovering ~
That is in accordance with what is expected | Bon |
healthy ~
Combinaciones | ||
Someone or something causes the s. to cease to exist | Liqu@Func0 |
deplete the ~
Someone or something causes the s. to continue being in its current state | Caus@ContPredVer |
maintain the ~
Someone or something causes the s. to regain its previous state | Caus@De_nouveauFunc0 |
rebuild the ~
Última actualización
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Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte
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